Mesopotamia Icons

To use this functionality please download and activate Mesopotamia Icons plugin first.

Mesopotamia has a shortcode that allows you to create any kind of icon using Font Awesome icons(hundreds of icons to choose from!), you can create any kind of icon using that shortcode, also, there are two icon themes to choose from, you can put the shortcode in a text widget or in anyplace you want.


Creating Icons:

You can use the following shortcode to create a facebook icon with a link to your page or account(the following icons images created using Mesopotamia light skin):

[mesopotamia_icon link="" icon="fa-facebook"]

This will create icon like this:mesopotamia-facebook-icon2

You can specify the icon theme in the shortcode to change the icon style, for example, this shortcode:

[mesopotamia_icon theme="awesome" link="" icon="fa-facebook"]

Will produce the this iconmesopotamia-facebook-icon

You can remove the “link” shortcode attribute if you want to make it just icon like:

[mesopotamia_icon icon="fa-facebook"]

This will produce the same first icon but without the link.

To create a set of icons just use the shortcode more than once:

[mesopotamia_icon link="" icon="fa-facebook"]
[mesopotamia_icon link="" icon="fa-twitter"]
[mesopotamia_icon link="" icon="fa-youtube"]

This will output the following set of icons:

If you use the theme attribute like the following:

[mesopotamia_icon theme="awesome" link="" icon="fa-facebook"]
[mesopotamia_icon theme="awesome" link="" icon="fa-twitter"]
[mesopotamia_icon theme="awesome" link="" icon="fa-youtube"]

This will output the following set of icons:mesopotamia-social-icons

Shortcode Options






The only required attribute for the shortcode in order to render the icon.

This attribute will specify the icon that will be render, to get the require icon value navigate to Font Awesome website and click on the icon that you want then copy its class, in the facebook icon case see this image




The size of the icon, you can use any CSS unit here for example 1em.



The icon theme, you can choose from awesome or mesopotamia.



The link of the icon.



The target attribute of the link, for more info please visit this link.



The color of the icon, you can use any color that supported by CSS color property, this feature might not work with all icon themes.



The background color of the icon, you can use any color that supported by CSS background-color property, this feature might not work with all icon themes.



This attribute will specify the background icon that will be rendered, to get the require icon value navigate to Font Awesome website and click on the icon that you want to make it as a background then copy its class, this feature might not work with all icon themes.