Elegant Profile Builder - FrontEnd WordPress Registration System

The standalone version of our Profile Builder for Forms Management System plugin.

Do you want to allow your users to register or edit their profiles from the frontend, or to replace the default WordPress Login, Log Out, Lost Password?

Then the Elegant Profile Builder Is Your Best Choice.

Elegant Profile Builder features list:

  Amazing visual form builder, you will never write a code!
  Unlimited Forms, create as many forms as you want, if you want you can create registration form for each role or unlimited forms for each role or . . .
  WPML support.
  Multilingual ready.
  Custom Fields Supported add as many custom fields as you need and you can choose from too many custom fields, and there are many other fields that we will add in the future releases.
  Smart Conditional Logic
  Three Form Theme Styles based on Smart Forms (That is an extra value of 11$ included).
  Eight Form Theme Colors also based on Smart Forms.
  Bundled With Simple Form Validator – PHP Class (That is an extra value of 7$ included).
  Custom Redirects After Registration/Update Profile redirects your users to a page or custom URL or display a cool message when they are registered or update their profile.
  Custom Redirects After Login/Logout.
  Redirect wp-login.php to your login page for a specific role/roles or all roles.
  Redirect wp-admin to your login page for a specific role/roles or all roles.
  Send email notification to the admin when a new user has registered.
  Local Avatar allow you users to upload their profile picture directly from your site.
  Disable Admin Bar disable admin bar at the frontend for a specific role/roles or all roles.
  Secure we are confident enough to tell you... yes it is secured.
  Profile Fields Username, First Name, Last Name, Nickname, E-mail, Website, Biographical Info, Password, Avatar.
  Custom Fields Text, Textarea, Dropdown, Date, Date & Tile, Multi Select, Radio, Checkbox, Image Upload, File Upload, URL, Email, Repeatable Field, Hidden Field, Google Maps, Stepper.
  Other Fields reCaptcha, Really Simple CAPTCHA, Terms and Conditions, and Message.
  Toggle Switches. You can change the style of the checkboxes and radio fields to amazing Toggle Switches styles and make it round or leave its default cool Toggle Switches style. you can see it live on the demo website forms.
  Elegant Profile Builder API: Elegant Profile Builder have many hooks. If you are a developer you can use the hooks to modify its behaviour or to build your add-on for it or both of them. If you need any help please contact us.
  Frontend AJAX.
  Configurable!, everything is configurable even client side validation messages!
  You can upload as many numbers of images as you want or unlimited with Image Upload custom field.
  You can upload as many numbers of files as you want or unlimited with File Upload custom field.
  Elegant Profile Builder's child plugin support, for example you can take any file of this plugin and overwrite it without touching the original plugin file.
  You can use multiple forms on the same page without any conflict or problem.
  New! you can now set up confirmation email settings per registration form with a lot of variables and placeholders!
  New! you can now set up welcome email settings per registration form with a lot of variables and placeholders!
  New! referer redirect after login, if you enable this feature then the user will be redirected back to the previous page after login.
  New! you can now add Really Simple Captcha to the login form.
  New! insert bulk options functionality in the dropdown field, multi-select field, radio field and checkbox field.
  New! Backend Custom Fields free add-on.
  New! Now you can import & export forms and settings.
  Developer Friendly we stick on the rules, so we did not use any custom PHP code, we only used WordPress functions, actions, filters, etc. In addition, we always restrict ourselves with WordPress Coding Standards. Therefore, you can very easy use your preferred actions and filters with Forms Management System.
  User friendly forms.
  Option for making the form full width. and another option to disable the form styles.
  Great Support.
  And More...

Elegant Profile Builder add-ons released!


No refund available for this plugin. Thank you for understanding.

This plugin is not compitable with Forms Management System plugin, Forms Management System has its own Profile Builder add-on.

  • Choose your plan

  • Number of website(s)
  • Support period
  • Upgrades period

  • $55


  • Unlimited
  • Lifetime
  • Lifetime

Have any question? check our FAQ or contact us.


 04.10.2016 - ver 1.5
 - New: confirmation email feature.
 - New: welcome email feature.
 - New: referer redirect after login.
 - New: insert bulk options feature.
 - New: add Really Simple Captcha to the login form.
 - New: add icon to the username form field.
 - New: add documentation link to the support admin page.
 - New: epb_logout_link_text_render hook.
 - New: epb_text_field_before_close_wrapper_label hook.
 - New: epb_text_field_wrapper_label_class hook.
 - Enhance: update epb.pot file.
 - Enhance: remove get_currentuserinfo() deprecated function.
 - Enhance: modify lost password field label string.
 - Enhance: reformat code.
 - Fix: login form not work.
 - Fix: user must refresh the page after reset password.
 - Fix: broken confirmation link if space in username.
 - Fix: the password help text don't show up.

 24.12.2015 - ver
 - New: a new option for the logout link.
 - Enhance: allow HTML in the message field.
 - Enhance: enhance form builder styles.
 - Fix: Google map sensor parameter warning.
 - Fix: SSL mixed content warning.

 09.09.2015 - ver
 - Improve the conditional logic.
 - New Hooks.

 01.08.2015 - ver
 - Improve the conditional logic.

 14.07.2015 - ver
 - Fix AJAX response issue.
 - Replace WordPress default logout method.

 09.07.2015 - ver 1.3
 - New Backend Custom Fields free add-on.
 - New Import & Export Forms & Settings features.
 - New Hooks.
 - Enhance AJAX respond reader.

 24.06.2015 - ver 1.2
 - Fix "Remember me" button style issue.

 23.06.2015 - ver 1.1
 - Fix login form incorrect class name.

 22.06.2015 - ver 1