Notes on multi-step form feature

  • In the case of Forms Management System, the multi-step form used to add data to the post, what we mean by that is the post will be created at the first step then on every new step a new data will be added/updated to it. So the fields that required by Forms Management System(post title) must be on the first step.
  • In the case of Profile Builder add-on, the multi-step form used to add data to the user’s profile, what we mean by that is the user will be registered at the first step then on every new step a new data will be added/updated to his/her profile. So the fields that required by Profile Builder add-on(username, email address, password) must be on the first step.
  • Currently, the conditional logic is step base, what that means is you should set up your conditional logic per step.
  • Do not leave empty steps, for example, don’t fill step one and step three then leave step two empty, if you do so currently you may face unexpected results.
  • Before using “Move To Step” feature make sure that you saved the form first.