
»The Proper Way To Setup The Dashboard Page:

  1. Create a dashboard page and name it anything for example “Dashboard” and
    put in it the appropriate shortcode from FMS-> Support page.
  2. Create a second page and name it anything for example “Edit” and put in it
    this shortcode [fms_edit_form]
  3. Go to FMS-> Posting Settings and chose the edit page that you just created in
    the previous step in “Edit Page” field.
  4. Be sure the other settings are correct then click Save Changes.

»Access The Front-end Dashboard:

Please notice that WordPress doesn’t allow the Subscriber to post or edit the
posts, the register user must be at least Author to add or edit posts (This rule
doesn’t apply on the guest posts and users), also to access the front-end

»Please always be sure that you are using the latest version of FMS.

»In some cases you may need to change the form Meta keys (some or all Meta
keys) to another unique names.

»Please be sure that the Meta keys and other information of the form are
entered correctly, for example non logic conditional logic and empty required

»Don’t repeat the met keys.

»In rare cases you need go to Settings->Permalinks and click on Save Changes
every time you make a change in a specific form.

»On some dedicated hosts the mod_security may cause a problem, in this case
you need to contact your hosting support.

»Please Read About Reserved Terms

»Please be sure that you don’t have empty required fields such as the mime
types while creating the form.

»Please use only small letters and underscores when you name the meta keys.

»Sometimes you may need to empty your browser cache.

»When you create a posting form, you should include at least the post title field
from the “Posting Fields” section (WordPress need to create the post then
attach the custom fields to it and in order to do that it need at least the post

»When you create a registration form (in case you install and activate the Profile
Builder add-on) you should include at least the “Username” and “E-mail” fields
from the “Profile Fields” section.