How to Display Edit Link or Delete Link or Both with Your Post?

To display the edit or delete link or both of them beneath your post or in any place in
you theme template files use the following function in you loop:
<?php echo fms_edit_delete_post_links('all'); ?>
You can change “all” by edit or delete to display only one link.
Currently the function will redirect the user after deleting the post to the home page to
specify where you want the user to be redirected after deleting the post use the second
parameter of the function like in the following example:
<?php echo fms_edit_delete_post_links('delete', ''); ?>
In the example above the user will be redirected to our website after she/he delete the


The easiest way is to add the following to your functions.php of your active theme or child theme:

function fms_frontend_posts_actions_links( $content ) {
$content = $content . fms_edit_delete_post_links( 'all' );

return $content;

add_filter( 'the_content', 'fms_frontend_posts_actions_links' );